We all want that look. The edge that will turn heads when we walk into the room. The style that has people whispering, “did you see her the other night? Stunning”. Keep your look timeless, and classy with our Triangle styles. Each piece reflects elegance and grace with a hint of modern. Whether it is to up-style your holiday look or perhaps a gift for a loved one, our Triangle accents are made of the best 14K yellow, rose, and white gold. Here are three ways to boost your attire with Rachel Katz Triangle jewelry.

Style with Royal Colors
Whether you're donning a rich red, a navy blue, or a forest green, make your look chic with the right accessories, even if it's just for yourself at home. Find a simple silk dress in a royal color and let your jewelry add the sparkle. The
Diamond Triangle Studs paired with the
Large Diamond Triangle Necklace would be a perfect match to an elegant dress.

Skip the Upscale Fashion for a More Casual Look
Given the new normal, style trends are trading an upscale look for something a little more informal and friendly. You can quickly tone down your style for something a bit more casual and still turn heads. A simple pair of dark jeans paired with a silk top, a set of Triangle earrings and Triangle necklace to accompany them, will have you comfortable yet leaving those who see your look in awe of your style. For more casual wear, pieces such as the
Mini and Large Triangle earrings accompanied by the
Large Triangle Necklace makes a great companion to that casual chic look!
The perfect style for all of your video calls.

Go All In For The Office Zoom Calls
This year, you don't need to miss Fall and Winter fashion, you can still dress up for your zoom calls. Don’t let the absence of being in-office stop you from stealing the room. Empowered by your favourite blazer and tailored pantsuit with statement pieces that are dainty and elegant but still edgy and demanding of attention. Compliment your look with a triple threat set: The Triangle Studs, Triangle Geo Stacker, and the Mini Triangle Charm Necklace. Your look will do all the work while you enjoy much needed conversation.
Give Someone Else the Look of Modern Elegance
This look doesn't just complete your outfit, it can also make a great Christmas gift. The triangle collection compliments many looks from graceful and elegant, to the edgy contemporary style. Pieces such as the Mini Triangle Earrings or the Mini Triangle Necklace compliment any outfit from every day, to sophisticated. If you are looking for something a bit more upscale, the Black Diamond Triangle Earrings are a great statement piece. Still not too sure what to get your special someone? We will have a gift guide coming soon to help you find the perfect holiday gift.
Give someone you love an elegant accent to their Christmas attire. Our 20% off Black Friday sale runs from November 27th-29th ONLY.